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Knjige - Sculpted Threads: Artful Brooches, Earrings, and More

Gradivo je dodal: Behemot, Pon, 12.nov 2012 ob 16:04, Kategorija Knjige
Sculpted Threads: Artful Brooches, Earrings, and More -
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Imagine earrings, a brooch, a bowl, a bag - all made out of yards of gorgeous, colorful threads! Sound impossible? Simply stitch threads onto water-soluble stabilizer; then immerse your project in water. Only dazzling threads remain.Sew multiple layers of thread to create amazing blends of color, depth, and dimension in eight projects, plus several variations.No special skills required - all you need are machine-embroidery threads and a home sewing machine.Embellish projects with beaded flowers, branches, lines, edgings, and more.Create amazing blends of color, deptch and dimension in 13 projects, plus several variations.

  • Paperback: 64 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 1564777286

  • Na voljo samo en izvod.


    Cena: 18.00eur 

              9.00 eur

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Avtor: Shipley Hawks, J.
Založba: That Patchwork Place